Description: This scenario is a replacement for the original '[EN/VF] Keyboard' scenario. Peter Grasch did the hard work and I made changes to suit the standard USA qwerty keyboard layout and NATO standard phonetic alphabet. If you find any errors, omissions, or other problems, they are mine, not Peter's. Post any problems in the Help forum and I will get back to you.
Changes from the original: [quote]The alphabet is now on a tab called 'Letters' and contains NATO phonetics (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta etc) and the 'space' character.
The other printable characters are on a tab called 'Symbols' and are the lower/uppercase characters on a standard USA keyboard. To type a character, say “Symbols” first, to open the correct tab, then set the Shift key if you need the uppercase character, say the number corresponding to the character you want and finally say “Select Number”, to actually activate the key. You can also select Alt and Ctrl before selecting the number, if you are trying to press an unusual combination, like Ctrl-&. (Remember to unset any of Ctrl/Alt/Shift you set when you are finished.)
Function keys and 'Select' commands are on a tab named 'Functions', which is exactly the same as the 'Actions' tab in the '[EN/VF] Keyboard' scenario. To activate a function key, say “Functions” to open the correct tab, then set any of the CTRL/Alt/Shift keys you need, say the number corresponding to the F-key you want and finally say “Select Number”, to actually activate the function key. (Remember to unset any of Ctrl/Alt/Shift you set when you are finished.)
The grammar for the USA keyboard is slightly simpler than for the original, in that there is no need for the 'Modifier MObject' sentence structure.[/quote] Apart from these changes, the underlying operation of the keyboard is exactly as documented in the user manual for '[EN/VF] Keyboard'.
Doug Hutcheson 18 January 2011Last changelog:
20110118 First release 20110125 Coerced to load with VoxForge as a static base model
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