Description: English scenario to control a virtual keyboard.
The scenario contains a trainingstext that can be used to train the model. The vocabulary, however, is designed to work with the English voxforge model.
Commands: Show keyboard (displays the keyboard) Close keyboard (closes the keyboard) Apple (A key; Other keys follow) Base Chaos Danger Elephant Frog Goat Help Idea Jack King Lion Mother Nest Ocean Play Queen Rabbit Ship Test Ugly Vampire Watch X Yacht Zebra Space (Space key) Actions (switches to the "Actions" tab) Special characters (switches to the "Special characters" tab) Texts (switches to the "Texts" tab) Keys (switches to the "Keys" tab) Select number (selects a key corresponding with the entered number) Write number (writes the number) Delete number (removes the last digit from the entered number) Insert Copy One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Zero Point Shift Caps lock Control Delete Return Alt
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