My kroller1024
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Extract this to your favorite folder and open with superkaramba.You must have installed eluge bittorrent ,virtualbox, gimp,gwenview,firefox,K3b ,brasero,amsn ,kaffeine ,openoffice(or koffice).
Copy and paste the kroller.theme.desktop in the folder /home/your folder name/.kde/Autostart.Edit this icon with an text editor to the right folder of your choice /home/your folder name.Likethis :
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=superkaramba /home/your folder name/kroller-1024/kroller.theme
Restart the system.
Enjoy and comment, please.
Ratings & Comments
Which version of KDE4 do you have installed? With every major upgrade KDE got much better. If you don't have KDE 4.6 you should try upgrading to it first.
Hi. I1ve upgraded to KDE4.6 but it doesn't work like my intentions. I like KDE 3.5. In 4.6 the konqueror is so fool, I will try to install the MCE and see if it works better. The previews in konqueror doesn't work like I want.So, I still like the debian 5.0. Mabe is a bug in the system after the downgrade that I've done.
Konqueror was replaced by Dolphin in KDE 4 as file manager. (And Dolphin is actually alot better in that task.) For Web nobody really cared for Konqueror so it isn't activly developed anymore and thus far behind the other web browsers.
Hey, I don't want to change my linux. I want to solve my problem with this. I know KDE4, but i like the 3.5.It's much more easier than the new. Dolphin (or D3lphin in some distributions) does not show me previews and play anything or open PDF's in the same window.If so, I don't now how.The konqueror made to KDE4 is a trash. Made only to navigate in folders or internet. If you don't know how to solve my question, don't show me suggestion to change my Linux. I have more than 15 distributions here ( Kubuntu, Mepis, MCE, Megalinux, Fenix, Biglinux, Knoppix, OneS, Solaris etc). So, I know what I'm doing. Thank you for your help, but it's not what I want.