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This is a collection of my Krunner plugins.



by alex1701c

This plugin allows you to launch your recent JetBrains projects from Krunner.
Additionally it has file watchers implemented, these reload the configuration when new projects get added/removed.

Info: After installing the binary packages make sure that the KRunner gets restarted:
kquitapp5 krunner 2> /dev/null; kstart5 --windowclass krunner krunner > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Or you can build from source using:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/JetBrainsRunner/master/install.sh | bash
App Runners


by alex1701c

This plugin allows you to use search engines inside Krunner. But instead of specifying the search engine every time can set one you want to use. Additionally it provides search suggestions and direct links. These can be configured in the config dialog, by default they are disabled.
Additionally you can use this plugin to open search results in private/incognito mode. This feature gets activated by typing "::" . It has been tested with Firefox, Chromium, Google Chrome and Epiphany

The easiest way to install it is using the installer script:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/QuickWebShortcuts/master/install.sh | bash

Or you can install it without admin privileges:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/QuickWebShortcuts/master/install-user.sh | bash
Web Runners


by alex1701c

This plugin allows you to search, copy and paste emojis/symbols.
Additionally you can configure favorites, set the maximum Unicode version and enable/disable categories.

The easiest way to install is:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/EmojiRunner/master/install.sh | bash

Or you can install it just for your user without admin privileges:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/EmojiRunner/master/install-user.sh | bash

If you don't have colored emojis please follow these instructions: https://github.com/alex1701c/EmojiRunner/issues/1

The deb/rpm packages contain the latest changes have been build on KUbunt18.04 and tested on KDENeon.
After installing these packages run: kquitapp5 krunner;kstart5 krunner
System Runners


by alex1701c

This plugin allows you to launch Firefox profiles from Krunner and your normal launcher.

The plugin uses a local copy of the firefox.desktop file. In this file it adds Desktop Action entries for the profiles. Because of this you can search for the profiles in your normal launcher.

The easiest way to install is:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/FirefoxProfileRunner/master/install.sh | bash
Or you can install it without admin privileges:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/FirefoxProfileRunner/master/install-user.sh | bash

PS: This plugin is compatible with firefox-esr.
Icon: https://www.freeiconspng.com/img/4027

Info: After installing the binary packages make sure that the KRunner gets restarted:
kquitapp5 krunner 2> /dev/null; kstart5 --windowclass krunner krunner > /dev/null 2>&1 &
App Runners


by alex1701c

This plugin allows you to open your project using Krunner and the Project Manager plugin from VSCode.

The easiest way to install is:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/VSCodeProjectsRunner/master/install.sh | bash
Or you can install it without admin privileges:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/VSCodeProjectsRunner/master/install-user.sh | bash

Credit for icon: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode
App Runners

NordVPN Krunner

by alex1701c

This plugin allows you to interact with the NordVPN CLI using Krunner.

Syntax Examples:

vpn Shows status and connect/disconnect options
vpn us 3335 Connect to United States with server number 3335, the space is optional
vpn reconnect us Disconnect and connect to US. If the current server is in the US, the exact same server is chosen.
vpn d / vpn disconnect If connected the disconnect option is shown first

For more information visit and instructions about building from source: https://github.com/alex1701c/NordVPNKrunner
App Runners


by alex1701c

This Krunner plugin allows you to easily mount/unmount configured Veracrypt volumes.
Additionally it provides pass integration.

Build instructions:

The easiest way to install is:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/VeracryptRunner/master/install.sh | bash

Required Dependencies

sudo apt install cmake extra-cmake-modules build-essential libkf5runner-dev libkf5textwidgets-dev qtdeclarative5-dev gettext xdotool wmctrl

sudo zypper install cmake extra-cmake-modules libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Core5 libqt5-qtlocation-devel ki18n-devel ktextwidgets-devel kservice-devel krunner-devel gettext-tools xdotool wmctrl

sudo dnf install cmake extra-cmake-modules kf5-ki18n-devel kf5-kservice-devel kf5-krunner-devel kf5-ktextwidgets-devel gettext xdotool wmctrl
App Runners


by alex1701c

The easiest way to install is:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/TmuxRunner/master/install.sh | bash

The plugin gets triggered by the word tmux. After that you can search for a session. If the name does not exist it shows an option to create a new session with the specified name. After the name you can add the initial path. But instead of typing out frequently used paths you can use the shortcuts: Each shortcut has to start with a $ and gets replaced with the value. You can use absolute paths and relative ones, but if you want to reference a directory in your home folder you can just type the folder name. For example Downloads/Bluetooth gets interpreted as /home/USER/Downloads/Bluetooth.

Furthermore you can change the terminal you want tmux to be launched in. The default options are: Konsole, Yakuake, Terminator and Simple Terminal. You can also define a custom terminal. If you want to change the terminal for just one command you can add a flag to the end of the statement. The flags start with a - and is followed by the lowercase start letter if the option. For example -y opens it in Yakuake and -c opens it with your custom terminal.

Info: After installing the binary packages make sure that the KRunner gets restarted:
kquitapp5 krunner 2> /dev/null; kstart5 --windowclass krunner krunner > /dev/null 2>&1 &

And you might want to install the yakuake-session script or tmuxinator, have a look at the readme for this.

Product icon: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/285695/terminal_icon
System Runners

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